miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

The Olympic Games of the living beings

-          Content: Living beings.
-          Language: Vocabulary of the animals (types of animals) and grammar used to give clues (present simple).
-          Course: 4th course of Primary.

-          Activity:
The teacher has to make groups of three pupils. Each pupil will have a role: one will have to give the clues of the animal of his card (we will call him: “the clue”), and the other two will have to guess the animal that “the clue” is describing to them. They take turns in the following process: first “the clue” give one clue, and one of the other two pupils has to say an animal, if it is not the correct animal, then the other pupil has to say another animal. If this last pupil also says an incorrect animal, then “the clue” says another clue. Finally, when one of the pupils says the correct animal, he/she will receive a medal called “winner”, and “the clue” will receive another medal called “clue”. Pupils will put these medals on the left side of their chest (they can fix them with tape). The pupil that does not win, is now “the clue”. And it continues all the rounds that we want to do.
When the last round finishes, the teacher has to count the medals that each pupil has on his chest. There will be two categories of awards: 1. The award of the “winners”: the pupil that has the most number of medals of “winner” wins the gold medal, the next the silver medal, and the next the bronze medal; 2. The award of the “clues”: the pupil that has the most number of medals of “clues” wins the gold medal, the next the silver medal, and the next the bronze medal.
If there is a draw between two or more students, they will have to guess the animal that the teacher will describe to them. And the fastest will win.
-       Resources:
The teacher will have to print out the medals of “the clue” and of “the winner”. He must consider the number of students and rounds that he wants to do, in order to know the number of medals that will need to print out. And, the same will happen with the number of cards of animals that he will have to search and print out (you can find them at the end of the document).
In our case, we have prepared this activity for fifteen students, making five groups of three students in each. And, as we do not have enough time, we are going to make four rounds. So, we will need to print out twenty medals of “winner” and “clue”, and search twenty different animals. It is recommended to have some more in case they may be needed.



Finally, the teacher can make the gold, silver, and bronze medals easily with cardboard, paper, colours, and cords. You must remember that there are two gold medals, two silver medals, and two bronze medals (because there are two types of awards: “the winner” and “the clue”). Here you have a picture of our medals:

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In this video students can see the animals and can learn how to pronounce their names. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FERq6sxa2zA